王鵬,博士,副教授,博士生導師。伟德官网下载客户端伟德官网下载客户端生物醫學工程教研室。主要從事小分子熒光探針在腫瘤早期診斷中的應用、靶向抗腫瘤藥物分子的設計與活性研究、基于有機小分子熒光探針的智控載藥系統等方面的研究。主持國家自然科學基金、江蘇省自然科學基金、中央高校基本科研項目以及校級項目多項。入選江蘇省青藍工程優秀青年骨幹教師(2018)、江蘇省雙創計劃“科技副總”(2018)等計劃。近5年以第一作者或通訊作者在Chemical Science、Small、Biomaterials、Biosensors and Bioelectronics、ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces、Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical、Analytica Chimica Acta、European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry、Molecular Pharmaceutics、Nanomedicine等學術期刊發表SCI學術論文四十餘篇;申請中國發明專利6項,授權4項;參與研發的抗腫瘤1.1類新藥于2020年4月進入II期臨床試驗。
2018.10—2019.10 美國哈佛醫學院/麻省總醫院Martinos Center 訪問學者
2011.3—2014.6 東南大學生物醫學工程專業 博士
2005.9—2008.6 伟德官网下载客户端藥學院藥物化學專業 碩士
2001.9—2005.6 山東大學藥學院藥學專業本科
1. Jing Yang, Biyue Zhu, Wei Yin, Zhihao Han, Chao Zheng, Peng Wang*, Chongzhao Ran*. Differentiating Aß40 and Aß42 in amyloid plaques with a small molecule fluorescence probe. Chemical Science, 2020.
2. Han Wang, Zhaohui Wang, Yuanbiao Tu, Yongkuan Li, Tian Xu, Man Yang, Peng Wang∗, Yueqing Gu∗. Homotypic targeting upconversion nano-reactor for cascade cancer starvation and deep-tissue phototherapy. Biomaterials, 235 (2020) 119765
3. Han Wang, Zhaohui Wang, Yongkuan Li, Tian Xu, Qi Zhang, Man Yang, Peng Wang,* Yueqing Gu*.A Novel Theranostic Nanoprobe for In Vivo SingletOxygen Detection and Real-Time Dose–Effect Relationship Monitoring in Photodynamic Therapy, Small, 2019, 1902185.
4. Wang Peng*,Wang Qianqian,Huang Jinxin,Li Nan,Gu Yueqing *,A dual-site fluorescent probe for direct and highly selective detection of cysteine and its application in living cells,Biosensors and Bioelectronics,2017,92:583~588.
5. Han Wang, Yongkuan Li, Man Yang, Peng Wang*, and Yueqing Gu*, FRET-Based Upconversion Nanoprobe Sensitized by Nd3+ for theRatiometric Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide in Vivo, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2019, 11, 7441−7449.
6. Lili Xia, Fang Hu, Jinxin Huang, Nan Li, Yueqing Gu*, Peng Wang*, A fluorescent turn-on probe for nitroreductase imaging in living cellsand tissues under hypoxia conditions, Sensors and Actuators B, 2018, 268: 70–76.
7. Yuxiang Ma, Ying Zhao, Lili Xia, Jinxin Huang, Yueqing Gu, Peng Wang*, A novel one- and two-photon fluorescent probe induced by light for selective imaging of Cys in living cells and tissues, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2018, 1035: 161-167.
8. Huang Jinxin,Li Nan,Wang Qianqian,Gu Yueqing*,Wang Peng*,A lysosome-targetable and two-photon fluorescent probe for imaging endogenous β-galactosidase in living ovarian cancer cells,Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical,2017,246:833~839.
9. Wang Peng*,Huang Jinxin,Wang Ke,Gu Yueqing*,New Palbociclib analogues modified at the terminal piperazine ring and their anticancer activities,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2016,122:546~556.
10. Wang Peng*,Cai Jin,Chen Junqing,Ji Min*,Synthesis and anticancer activities of ceritinib analogs modified in the terminal piperidine ring,European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2015,93:1~8.