許芸,女,江蘇江都人,2006年起伟德官网下载客户端教師。2003年獲太原理工大學制藥工程學士學位;2006年太原理工大學應用化學工學碩士學位;2015年獲南京大學理學博士學位。2017年10月至2018年10月 德國海德堡大學有機化學系訪問學者。2023年江蘇省科技副總(江蘇獨角獸生物科技有限公司,鎮江)。發表論文30篇以上,其中SCI論文16篇以上,在 Green Chemistry, Chemcatchem及Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 等知名雜志發表論文,申請專利7項,授權4項。
[1] Yun X, Qian W, Zhongyi Z, Matthias R, Hashmi ASK*. Gold-Catalyzed Synthesis of 2,5-Disubstituted Oxazoles from Carboxamides and Propynals. Adv. Syn. Cal. 2019, 361, 2309 – 2314
[2] Liang W, Ruifeng G, Yunqing T, Jiamin Z, Meiyang L, Jianqiu C*, Yun X*. Properties of aqueous amine based protic ionic liquids and its application for CO2 quick capture. Sep.Purif.Technol. 2020 (239), 116531-116539.
[3] Zeyu G, Qin X, Zhongjiao F, Weining S, Wei Z, Junhao Z, Jianqiu C*, Yun X*. Investigation of tertiary amine-based PILs for ideal efficient SO2 capture from CO2. J. Environ. Chem. Eng, 2021(9), 105824.
[4] Zeyu Geng, Shuoyang Ma, Yuhang Li, Chao Peng, Binjian Jiang, Peilin Liu, Yun Xu*. Guanidinium-based ionic liquids for high performance SO2 capture and efficient conversion for cyclic sulfite esters. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2022, 61, 13, 4493–4503.
[5] Ruizhong Lu, Songqi Ma, Yang Zhai, Zeyu Geng, Zhi Jin, Yong Fu, Wei Wang, Yun Xu*. Acetylcholine-based deep eutectic solvents for highly efficient SO2 absorption, selective separation from CO2 and their mechanism. J Mol. Liq. 383 (2023) 121937.