近5年來以第一作者或通訊作者身份在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Science of the Total Environment、Environmental Research 等專業領域的國際著名刊物(學科一流及以上)上發表SCI收錄論文十餘篇,授權專利3項。
Zihao Shen 1, Xiaolan Zheng 1, Ye Yang , Yali Sun , Ciming Yi , Jingge Shang , Yanhua Liu ,
Ruixin Guo , Jianqiu Chen **, Qianjiahua Liao⁎.Migration and transformation behaviors of antibiotics in water-sediment system under simulated light and wind waves.Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024,471,134287. (影響因子13.6)
Jinling Wang 1, Xinyu Wang1, Xiaolan Zheng, Ye Yang, Zhenkai He, Lei Zhang, Qianjiahua Liao⁎. Effects of florfenicol on methane accumulation and changes in the structure of the prokaryotic community in a water–sediment system. Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 847, 157444. (當年影響因子10.753)
Jinlong Gao 1, Yifan Chen 1, Jiwei Li, Yalin Yu, Jun Wang, Tiantian Pang, Yuting Qi, Jingge Shang **, Qianjiahua Liao *. Electrolysis-sulfate-reducing up-flow sludge bed-biological contact oxidation reactor for Norfloxacin removal from wastewater with high sulfate content. Environmental Research, 2021, 196, 110455. (當年影響因子8.431)
Zhenkai He, Xinyu Wang, Yunhe Luo, Yazheng Zhu, Xin Lai, Jingge Shang, Jianqiu Chen**, Qianjiahua Liao*. Effects of suspended particulate matter from natural lakes in conjunction with coagulation to tetracycline removal from water. Chemosphere, 2021, 277, 130327.(當年影響因子8.943)
Yuqi Huang 1, YueWang 1, Yuzhou Huang, Lixuan Zhang, Fan Ye, Jinling Wang, Jingge Shang, Qianjiahua Liao⁎. Impact of sediment characteristics on adsorption behavior of typical antibiotics in Lake Taihu, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 718, 137329. (當年影響因子7.963)
1. 一種處理含氟喹諾酮類抗生素的廢水的裝置
2. 一種處理含四環素廢水的方法